3D reconstruction from a single-view is challenging because of the ambiguity from monocular cues and lack of information about occluded regions. Neural radiance fields (NeRF), while popular for view synthesis and 3D reconstruction, are typically reliant on multi-view images. Existing methods for single-view 3D reconstruction with NeRF rely on either data priors to hallucinate views of occluded regions, which may not be physically accurate, or shadows observed by RGB cameras, which are difficult to detect in ambient light and low albedo backgrounds. We propose using time-of-flight data captured by a single-photon avalanche diode to overcome these limitations. Our method models two-bounce optical paths with NeRF, using lidar transient data for supervision. By leveraging the advantages of both NeRF and two-bounce light measured by lidar, we demonstrate that we can reconstruct visible and occluded geometry without data priors or reliance on controlled ambient lighting or scene albedo. In addition, we demonstrate improved generalization under practical constraints on sensor spatial- and temporal-resolution. We believe our method is a promising direction as single-photon lidars become ubiquitous on consumer devices, such as phones, tablets, and headsets.
We create a dataset of scenes shown above. We train our model and our comparison methods on a single view. Objects are either partially self-occluded or fully occluded from the single training view. Our method and Bounce Flash Lidar are trained on single-view lidar data and S3-NeRF is trained on single-view RGB data.
Visualization of single-photon lidar measurements captured in simulation (bunny in chair dataset). A measurement is captured for each of the 16 unique illumination spots. These videos show the light intensity measured by the lidar over time, and thus the propagation of light in the scene. The first pixel to measure intensity is the point in the scene that is illuminated. Subsequent intensity observed by other pixels corresponds to light that has scattered multiple times. The two-bounce light is used by PlatoNeRF.
Ground Truth
BF Lidar
Results across four scenes: chair, dragon, bunny, bunny in chair (from top to bottom).
512 x 512
128 x 128
64 x 64
32 x 32
While PlatoNeRF (top) is able to interpolate across missing pixels due to the use of an implicit representation, Bounce Flash Lidar (bottom) performance significantly degrades as spatial resolution is reduced.
128 ps
256 ps
512 ps
1024 ps
As temporal resolution is reduced (i.e. bin size increased beyond 128 ps), PlatoNeRF (top) maintains smooth reconstructions, while geometry reconstructed by Bounce Flash Lidar (bottom) becomes bumpy (especially noticable on the the floor and walls). Note that the temporal resolution is indicated by the bin size (in picoseconds), with larger bin sizes indicating worse temporal resolution.
Ambient Light
Low Albedo Background
PlatoNeRF is robust both to ambient light (left) and low albedo backgrounds (right), whereas RGB methods often fail, such as shown by S3-NeRF. S3-NeRF is unable to recover geometry with an area light added to the scene (left) and only recovers visible geometry when shadows become hard to detect due to low albedo background (right).
Results as the number of illumination points used to train PlatoNeRF is reduced from sixteen illumination points (left) to two illumination points (right).
author = {Klinghoffer, Tzofi and
Xiang, Xiaoyu and
Somasundaram, Siddharth and
Fan, Yuchen and
Richardt, Christian and
Raskar, Ramesh and
Ranjan, Rakesh},
title = {{PlatoNeRF}: 3D Reconstruction in {Plato's} Cave via Single-View Two-Bounce Lidar},
booktitle = {Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2024},
url = {https://platonerf.github.io},